
Off to Alexandra Palace

It’s snowing, so something indoors this weekend. Seeing other’s models appeals more than building my own, so I’m off to Ally Pally for The Model Railway show (is it still called that?)


My first model railway

Shunter Cameo

Well, the first completed one anyway. Something with a name needs a homepage:

Phoenix Yard, a OO inglenook shunting puzzle:

Some of the scenery didn’t survive a period of storage, but the layout still works well.


A Year Ago

Having started from a fresh kit, the first weekend of time I spent with Tornado was making some basic assembly decisions, and then getting started on the mainframe.

Given the kit’s design, the consensus of advice was to assemble it without the aid of a chassis jig. It is very carefully designed to fold up square and true. This seemed reasonable, but I certainly felt a bit wary getting started.

So far, the chassis seems to roll well as an 0-6-0, so the advice was sound!

After a weekend’s work I had:

Tornado mainframes, coupling rods and driving wheels

So far, assembled exactly as the excellent instructions suggested.