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DXMFilter1.zip (20K)

Version 1,0,0,1, for Visual C++

What is DXMFilter?

DXMFilter is a way of creating a Visual C++ 5.0 project for a Microsoft DirectX Media (DirectShow) compatible COM filter. You can use it instead of the vc5 kit included with the SDK.

It will create the code for a filter with no pins. This can then be modified by you to add pin and other code to create a useful filter...

DMFilter Screenshot

Installing DXMFilter

Copy the two files contained in dxmfilter1.zip:


to your Visual Studio templates directory, usually:

\Program Files\DevStudio\SharedIDE\Template

When you next use File:New, the projects tab should contain an entry for 'DirectXMedia Filter Wizard'. Select this and proceed as normal when creating projects.

For Visual C++ 6.0, the correct directory to install to is (by default):

\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Template

Author and Legal

DXMFilter is copyright John McAleely 1998. It is freeware, and has no warranty. Use it at your own risk.

All trademarks are acknowledged. There are probably several owned by Microsoft and used in DXMFilter.


John McAleely
6th September 1998.

Known limitations

What is DirectX Media?

DirectX Media is a part of the Microsoft DirectX family of developer products for producing high-performance Win32 multimedia and games applications. Within DirectX Media, there are several technologies, and DirectShow is the relevant part for filter writers. DirectShow is intended to provide a way of managing 'streams' of data and (for example) their presentation to the user. You can use DirectX Media and the DirectShow components to play AVI, MPEG and other files. DVD and Video Capture are additional applications, although when you write your own filters the possibilities are not limited by the contents of the SDK...

Why would I want to write a filter?

There are many reasons, some of which include:

Finding out more:

The Microsoft DirectX Site
Including the DirectShow Page.
GDCL was founded by Geraint Davies, DirectShow's original architect.

This page © John McAleely, July 2001